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Ep 1: Morning Routines: Dr Andrew Huberman

text with the words Dr Andrew Hubermans science backed morning routine for success

We are all on a quest for success and we often look to high-performing individuals to understand how they kickstart their day and set the tone for productivity and reaching their goals.

Dr. Andrew Huberman is a well-known neuroscientist, a tenured professor at Standford University, and a popular podcaster. His groundbreaking research in neuroscience has helped to unravel the mysteries of the human brain. His disciplined morning routine is a curated blend of neuroscience, physiology, and mindfulness that helps him optimize his mental and physical well-being for the day ahead.

Here is the daily morning routine that he credits for his success and productivity.

Wake up between 5.30 am - 6.30 am

Depending on how early he went to sleep, Dr. Andrew Huberman wakes up between 5.30 am and 6.30 am. He then assesses whether he is well-rested or not. Like many of us, he too often feels like he did not get enough sleep due to life, staying up too late or stress. He combats this using the next step in his routine.

10-30 minutes of Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra, commonly known as yogic sleep, is a style of meditation where practitioners drift into a deep state of conscious sleep. In Yoga Nidra, you are not asleep, nor are you awake.

Dr. Huberman recommends 10-30 minute videos that can be found on YouTube. Once he completes this step, he immediately feels like he has had enough sleep and finds it a great reset for his brain.

"As a neuroscientist, I understand the profound impact of our morning routine on our brain and body. Prioritizing quality sleep, engaging in physiological exercises, leveraging natural light, practicing mindfulness, and nourishing our bodies with healthy nutrition sets the stage for success and optimal well-being throughout the day." - Dr. Andrew Huberman

Restroom Break

Being careful not to miss out on steps, he heads to the restroom once he is done with his Yoga Nidra session. He does not skip out on the basic bodily functions that we all go through.


Hydration is a key factor in cognitive function and is often overlooked. He uses an equation by Andy Galpin which takes your body weight in pounds divided by 30 and gives you the number of ounces that you need to drink every 20 minutes when exercising or doing mental work. He avoids dehydration as it causes one to lose focus and feel sleepy.

10-30 minutes of Sun Exposure

As a neuroscientist, Dr. Huberman is acutely aware of the role of light in regulating the body's internal clock and circadian rhythms. He makes it a point to go out and expose himself to bright natural light to reset the body's internal clock, synchronize circadian rhythms, and promote alertness and wakefulness during the day. He avoids using electronic devices with bright screens that emit blue light.

Go for a Walk as Part of Your Morning Routine

He often combines the above step with forward ambulation, which is just nerd speak for taking a walk. Getting into a mode of forward ambulation and experiencing visual flow has a powerful effect on the nervous system. It acts to quiet the amount of neural activity in our brain structure called the amygdala, which means almond. The amygdala is known for its role in anxiety, fear and threat detection.


Dr. Andrew Huberman’s morning routine is a combination of scientific principles aimed at optimizing his mental and physical well-being for the day ahead. It is a testament to the importance of a holistic approach to morning rituals for achieving success. His science-backed routine serves as a blueprint that we can all aim to incorporate into our lives, which our brain and body will thank us for.


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