In today's constantly connected world, it can be challenging to tune out distractions and focus on the task at hand. Jay Shetty, a renowned motivational speaker, wrote about his experience training like a monk and how it greatly improved his focus and productivity. Iman Gadzhi, a wildly successful entrepreneur who made his first 1 million at 18, explains that he goes into Monk Mode for 3-6 months each year to reach his goals.
So what exactly is Monk Mode? Monk mode is a dedicated period of time where you cut yourself off from short-term distractions and focus solely on steps or tasks to achieve your long-term goals. How intense you decide to go, is completely up to you. It is Ideal for those looking to formulate a strategy to achieve individual or work goals.
Here are some tips to incorporate monk mode practices in your life.
Choose a Goal for Your Monk Mode Journey
Choose a specific objective you want to accomplish before starting your monk mode session. This could be anything ranging from raising your income, improving your concentration and mental clarity, to quitting bad habits and changing your patterns and behaviours.
Pick a Tool to Track Your Progress
Choose a tool that can help you keep track of your progress and hold yourself accountable. This could be a journal, a task management app, or a simple piece of paper. Utilize this tool daily as part of your process of getting ahead.
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started." - Mark Twain
Be Disciplined
Discipline refers to the practice of obeying rules or standards of behaviour. In order to achieve your goal, you must be disciplined in sticking to your commitments. A good example would be sticking to the commitment of cutting yourself off from your vices or distractions for a certain amount of time each day. This time is then used to focus on tasks that take you one step closer to your goal each day.
Define clear rules for your commitments
To succeed in monk mode, it’s important to define clear rules for the commitments you are about to undertake. This could include rules around the do’s and don't’s during your dedicated period of focus, and what tools or methods you will use to track your progress.
Set a Start and End Date
It is important to establish a start and end date for your monk mode period. This will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the process. This is especially important for those who choose to incorporate isolation as part of their Monk mode practice.
Following the monk mode practice is not easy and may not be realistic for many individuals who have to juggle work, family and life. However, dedicating some time each day/week to a focused and mindful state can give you the mental space you need to tackle essential tasks on your to-do list and get you closer to your goals.